Orange Tofu with Everything Fried Rice

To celebrate #zerowasteweek, we've taken over our socials to bring you five days of Flawsome tips to help us all be more sustainable. Feeling peckish? Here's one to bookmark for dinner tonight. A low-waste meal that's packed with fibre, fresh sweetness and protein. And the kids will love it, too.


 400g firm tofu 

Flawsome! Orange Juice (with 3 wonky oranges) 

4 tablespoons cornflour 

3 cloves garlic 

1/2" piece ginger 

60ml + 1 tablespoon soy sauce 

2 teaspoons toasted sesame oil 

1/2 teaspoon chilli flakes 

55g brown sugar 

3 tablespoons white or rice vinegar 

2 tablespoons water 

200g leftover rice 

300g leftover veggies (such as peas, broccoli, carrot, kale) 

Optional: two free-range + organic eggs 

Garnish: 1 bunch green onions 


 1. If you are not using leftover rice, cook it now and set aside when ready. Start by making the crispy tofu. Press and pat dry with a towel to remove excess moisture. Then tear apart the tofu and toss in a bowl with 1 tbsp soy sauce and 1 tbsp sesame oil before tossing the coated tofu in a bowl with 3 tbsp cornflour. Bake until crispy at 180 degrees fan for 30 minutes. Flip halfway through (and try not to eat it all before serving!) 

 2. Next, make your orange sauce. Warm 1tbsp sesame oil and cook your garlic, ginger and chilli flakes for around 60 seconds before adding your Flawsome! Orange Juice, brown sugar, tamari, and vinegar. Let it simmer for around 5 minutes before whisking in your remaining cornflour mixed with 2 tbsp water to thicken. It should be deliciously gloopy! 

 3. Now, for the rice. Staples like rice and oats are easily found in bulk stores, making it easy to buy them zero waste. Pick your favourite - we prefer brown for extra fibre! Add the remaining sesame oil and garlic to the pan and sauté your leftover veg until crispy and aromatic. Throw in your rice and turn up the heat. Toss quickly to coat. At this point, you can crack in two eggs for extra protein, or omit them to keep the dish deliciously vegan! 

 4. Add the crispy tofu to the orange sauce and serve immediately over your fried rice. Garnish with green onion and enjoy!

Thank you for reading

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